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Some useful information

Do you offer an initial exploratory call?

Yes, I offer a 15 minute introductory call if you have questions before potentially meeting. Please email  me in the first instance and I will suggest some times.


Do you have a reduced rate for a first meeting?

Yes, my fee for an introductory meeting for face to face sessions is £75.


When do I sign a contract and what does it contain?

If we agree to work together my suggestion is that we will sign a contract in our second session which outlines the agreed times, frequency and fees as well as confidentiality clauses and ethical framework that I work to.


How do I know if you are the right therapist for me?

If you are comfortable enough with what I've written here or notice your curiosity has risen, then that's a first step, an introductory meeting will likely give you a sense of whether you think we can work together


What happens at my first meeting with you?

I'll ask you a few questions about your background, what brings you here now, we'll go through a few practical things and start a gentle inquiry into what it feels like to be here - what might you notice, about yourself, the room, me - anything that comes up. There's no particular 'way to be' - come as you are and we'll take it from there together. 


What might be useful for me to think about before we meet?

Think about the time of day and commitment to yourself that regular attendance will entail. For therapeutic reasons I only offer weekly sessions. Therapy can open up some uncomfortable feelings and attending weekly provides a safe and containing space as well as allowing work to flow and deepen.


Who regulates you?

I'm regulated by the UKCP with whom I qualified and am registered member of the BACP. Both these organisations are the primary regulating bodies for psychotherapy and counselling in the UK.​


I'd like to meet every second week, is that possible?

I offer weekly sessions only.

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